Waltz in C-Sharp Minor, Op. 64, No. 2
Published on: Jan 18, 2009


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Waltz in C-Sharp Minor, Op. 64, No. 2 was composed by Frederic Chopin. The recording is performed by Jeremiah Jones and is 3 minutes and 28 seconds in length.

This is one of Chopin's most famous Waltzes. It was composed sometime between 1846 and 1847. The piece is marked with the term "tempo guisto" - which means "strict time." When I recorded this piece I interpreted that to mean that any rubato should be limited to within a brief scope, probably that of a single bar. While this may be the case, I have since learned that it was more likely intended to indicate that the Waltz should not be played in the Viennese tradition which rushes slightly into the second beat.

My studies of this piece are notably rushed and I debated whether or not to release this - obviously I ended up deciding to put it out. Perhaps in the future I will re-record this after having devoted a more appropriate amount of time to learning the piece. For now, however, this will have to do! I hope that you enjoy my recording of Chopin's Waltz in C-sharp Minor!

Score / Sheet Music: sheet music for Frederic Chopin's Waltz in C-Sharp Minor, Op. 64, No. 2
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