Preludes Book 1 No. 10: La cathédrale engloutie (The Engulfed Cathedral): Profondément calme
(The Sunken Cathedral)
Published on: Apr 02, 2010


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Preludes Book 1 No. 10: La cathédrale engloutie (The Engulfed Cathedral): Profondément calme (The Sunken Cathedral) was composed by Claude Debussy. The recording is performed by Jeremiah Jones and is 5 minutes and 49 seconds in length.

I have had several people request that I record some Debussy preludes so here is the first! This prelude is one of Debussy's best-known works. It was composed just over 100 years ago and appeared in Debussy's first book of preludes. This piece is composed after the legend of the city of Ys (pronounced "ees") - which was engulfed in the sea but was allowed to rise out of the sea once each day to serve as a reminder of the great city that was lost. Part of the legend, which is so critical to this work, is the sound of the church bells that you first begin to hear as the city rises from the sea. The piece starts off with the sound of these bells, and after some fantastic imagery, evolves into the resounding and powerful sound of the church's organ. The city then begins to slowly sink again into the sea. The imagery in this work is astounding and Debussy's ingenius interpretation of this legend is deserving of the highest praise.

Score / Sheet Music: sheet music for Claude Debussy's Preludes Book 1 No. 10: La cathédrale engloutie (The Engulfed Cathedral): Profondément calme makes no guarantee that the files provided for download on this site are public domain in your country and assumes no legal responsibility or liability of any kind for their copyright status. Please obey the copyright laws of your country and consult the copyright statute itself or a qualified IP attorney to verify whether a certain file is in the public domain in your country or if downloading a copy constitutes fair use.



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