Hymne de l'enfant a son reveil
(Hymn of the Child on Awakening)
Published on: Sep 14, 2009


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Hymne de l'enfant a son reveil (Hymn of the Child on Awakening) was composed by Franz Liszt. The recording is performed by Jeremiah Jones and is 6 minutes and 21 seconds in length.

This work is the sixth piece from Liszt's "Harmonies poetiques et religieuses" (Poetic and Religious Harmonies). This work has some very beautiful harmonies and chord progressions. The majority of this work is in the key of A-flat, which is a very loving and dreamlike key for Liszt. He throws in a few changes to the important key of E-major, which, to Liszt, was a very religious key. I especially love the way that he transforms the key of A-flat right before the Andantino section into the wonderful key of F. He uses the F-major IV, V, I cadence to lead from the B-flat minor (the II chord in A-flat, the current key) to a beautiful suspension of C major that then resolves into F major. He then returns to the dominant key with a beautiful climax and then ends this work with a common "hymn" ending of IV-I (D-flat to A-flat). It is absolutely wonderful!

I hope that you enjoy my recording of this beautiful work by the Great Franz Liszt.

Score / Sheet Music: sheet music for Franz Liszt's Hymne de l'enfant a son reveil
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