Prelude No. 8 in E flat Minor
Published on: Dec 01, 2007


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Prelude No. 8 in E flat Minor was composed by Johann Sebastian Bach. The recording is performed by Jeremiah Jones and is 4 minutes and 1 second in length.

This recording was performed on a studio upright piano and thus does not deliver the greatest sound quality but gives the listener an idea of one interpretation of this piece. Many artists perform this selection at a faster tempo than is heard here but the I feel as though this is an appropriate tempo for the mood that I am attempting to convey.

Score / Sheet Music: sheet music for Johann Sebastian Bach's Prelude No. 8 in E flat Minor makes no guarantee that the files provided for download on this site are public domain in your country and assumes no legal responsibility or liability of any kind for their copyright status. Please obey the copyright laws of your country and consult the copyright statute itself or a qualified IP attorney to verify whether a certain file is in the public domain in your country or if downloading a copy constitutes fair use.



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